Kindergarten-Helping Your Student

Helping Your Student

Support your child’s progress

Parents are a child’s first teacher and they know their child in ways no one else does. By working in partnership with us, parents can help their child reach his/her fullest potential.

A parent’s primary role is one of encouragement and reinforcement. Parents can enhance what is experienced at school and foster a sense of excitement and a love for learning. Opportunities for parents to encourage the natural development of the child are endless. Children learn to read and write in a manner similar to the way they learned to speak. They observe others reading books, directions and signs. They watch those around them write shopping lists, and letters. Through watching others, they try these activities. By reading license plates, food labels or other objects around them children learn that print is meaningful and useful. Whether scribbling on scraps of paper, writing a note to a parent with letter-like marks, or reading a book by looking at the pictures, these attempts should be accepted and encouraged.

Your child will exhibit many beginning reading and writing behaviors throughout this year.

  • Approximate Reading is retelling a story from memory using the story’s picture clues. Your child may use his/her finger to point to words or pictures.
  • Scribble Writing is making different lines or strokes which may or may not refer to specific words or letters.
  • Labeling pictures or commenting on items found in books.
  • Reciting a Story Aloud while looking at pictures.
  • Temporary Spelling is the use of a letter or letters to represent a word or phrase. For example, l or lik may be used to represent the word like.

To help, read with your child every day. Read a variety of stories (folktales, fables, information books, and poetry). Read different written materials such as cereal boxes, recipes, books, magazines, signs, and greeting cards.

  • Model reading and writing in your home. Involve your child in writing shopping lists, telephone messages, or reading letters from relatives. Let your child see you reading books, instructions, newspapers, and magazines.
  • Expose your child to wordless picture books. These encourage your child to use picture clues to make up his/her own stories.
  • Encourage your child to take chances. Build the concept that learning means taking chances and not always being right.
  • Take trips to the library.
  • Include your child in family discussions. Use questions that involve who, what, where, why, and when.
  • Use family activities as a chance to explore new language. Visit and talk about the zoo, library, park, store, movies, or sports events.
  • Play games like “Simon Says” that involve following directions.
  • Sing and read simple songs and nursery rhymes like Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star; Wheels on the Bus. Clap the rhythm.
  • Read and follow recipe directions. This provides children with the opportunity to listen to and follow step-by-step directions.
  • Reread favorite stories. Allow your child to choose the book for story time.
  • Provide writing materials like pencils, pens, chalk, markers, crayons, different sizes and colors of paper, envelopes, and tape. Allow your child to write messages to family members, book authors, or friends. Also leave notes on the refrigerator or in a lunchbox from you to your child.
  • Ask your child questions that require more than a “yes” or “no” answer. Example: “What do you think will happen to Goldilocks?” Look at books and magazines and ask questions about what was read.
  • Listen to your child when he or she speaks. Show that you are interested in what is being said. This encourages good listening habits.

Help your child develop muscle coordination by letting your child

  • Draw letters or numbers in the sand or on the sidewalk with a paintbrush and water.
  • Use puzzles, clay, or dough.
  • Use crayons, scissors, snaps, buttons, zippers.
  • Run, hop on one foot and two feet.
  • Catch a ball.

Help your child develop independence by letting him/her:  

  • Make simple choices.
  • Help choose his or her clothing.
  • Perform simple household tasks.
  • Dress himself or herself when possible.
  • Find letters of his or her name in books, magazines, or signs. 
  • Sort things by size, shape, and color (clothing, buttons, dishes).
  • Count seeds, pennies, stamps, M&M’s or any other objects.
  • Locate food items in the grocery store by looking at the pictures and the labels

When reading with your child:

  • Let your child have opportunities to choose what book he/she wants to read.
  • Pick a quiet time to read.
  • Sit close to your child. Let your child see the pictures and print.
  • Point to words as you read them. Refer to your child as a “reader.”
  • Reread the book and encourage your child to join in with familiar phrases, turn the pages, and predict what will happen next.

Success in Kindergarten Parent Strategies


Partnering with School Readiness and Transition to Kindergarten